Property:האט איבערזעצונגען

פון היימישע אידישע ווערטערבוך

זהו מאפיין מסוג Text.

Showing 50 pages using this property.
א +
a  +
oasis  +
torch  +
observation  +
a little  +, few  +, some  +
hero  +, knight  +
but  +
limb  +, organ  +
by the way  +, incidentally  +
Aggada  +
or  +
on the contrary  +
provide  +, make  +
tent  +
of course  +, definitely  +, certainly  +
world atmosphere  +, zeitgeist  +
if  +, suppose  +
ostensibly  +, on the face of it  +, on the surface  +
eye  +
eye-catching  +
authority  +
also  +, as well  +
outstanding  +, excellent  +
appear  +
blow up  +, explode  +
question (someone)  +
outlook  +
on  +, upon  +, in  +
once  +, one time  +
blow up  +, fill up (with air)  +, explode  +
can opener  +
in a good mood  +, upbeat  +, with a good disposition  +,
feat  +, accomplishment  +, exploit  +
bringing to (someone's) attention  +, making (someone) aware  +
conspicuous  +, flashy  +
observation  +
לשלהב  +, להבעיר  +
raise (a child)  +
to shake up  +
perhaps  +, maybe  +, possibly  +
nation  +
independent  +
unpleasant  +, distasteful  +, bitter  +,
available  +
undecided  +
skilled tradesman  +, artist  +, craftsman  +